We also established the Department of freight safety within our company that deals exclusively with the issue of the protection of merchant vessels and private yachts at sea and formed within this department the F.R.U. (Fast Response Unit).

Maritime security - security measures for shipping companies and private yachts.It is a unit consisting of specialists on ships and private yachts come as armed protection teams to use and perform these operations in part, in close cooperation with local security forces.

Gleichzeitig bieten wir über diese Spezialisten auch die Schulung und das Training von Schiffsbesatzungen an, die eine richtige und umfassende Sicherung der eigenen Schiffe sowie auch das richtige Verhalten bei Überfällen von Tätern und Tätergruppen erlernen sollen.

At the same time, we have these specialists to train security personnel of your ship, to learn a correct and comprehensive securement of their own ships as well as the correct behavior in the event of cases of perpetrators groups.

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Let us know about your case and we can decide individually how we can achieve the best possible results for you.

You may remain anonymous, for as long as you wish. Only once you officially use our services will you need to give us your personal information, which we are legally required to keep private.

Sea freight-security for private yachts and cruise lines

The focus of this training is not only on the area of piracy attacks during a crossing, but includes in addition relevant topics and various sea areas.

The use of a reliable armed security teams is a very complex and specialized service, which can only be performed by highly trained and qualified professionals and by a qualified organization. Therefore, this area of security remains closed to the majority of security companies worldwide.

Considering the extensive risk areas of piracy at sea, choosing your team and charge by a professional security team is the most effective and most cost-effective measure of protection that is available to you.
According to our clients’ requirements, we are implementing the „on-board service” with non – lethal and lethal means. The team members of our F.R.U. consisting of former members specialized in military and police refrain principle inappropriately and escalation favoring measures and react situational appropriate.

In addition to this special “on-board – service“, we have also the implementation of additional services, which we would like to inform you about in a personal conversation.

Bei Fragen kontaktieren Sie hierfür bitte die folgenden Standorte:

MENG Seefrachtsicherung Europe
Niederlassung Hamburg

Bleichenbrücke 11-17
D – 20354 Hamburg

Tel. 040 – 41 92 19 59

MENG Seefracht Sicherheit
Maritime Security Services USA

1111 South West Ave.
33130 Miami FL

Tel.: (001) 786 – 474 45 41 (aus Deutschland)